By Val
Hello everyone, we hope you are all well. The chaos of Doris is finally over, the fallen tree is down and some lovely grubs fell into our coop. I hope we don't have a similar experience as my wings could not stand another day like that. We are still in our penthouse run, I saw on the local news there are still some danger areas and we are right next to one. Because of this The Humans have decided to keep us inside for a little longer. It's not too bad, although I must confess I will be pleased when we can get out and I can hide my eggs again. The Humans have kept us entertained by spreading wooodchip around and bringing us fresh logs full of grubs. This week they have surpassed themselves. Cabbage, yes cabbage, better than bird burgers or caviar. They hang them from the roof and we have to peck away and get them. Mmmmm delicious. I have been getting very friendly with Wilemmina. She was so quiet when she first arrived and I didn't really know her. She was such a scrawny little thing when she arrived. No feathers, beak all out of line and the longest claws I have ever seen. Now she is flourishing. Beautiful feathers, emaculate claws, curtesy of the parlour, and such a witty personality. Her beak is still mishapen but she can still eat and The Humans make sure she gets her share. We are loving the warm weather and getting some heat on our wings, we have also managed to create a dust bath underneath one of the coops. Have a clucking good week Val.